Facebook is one of the most popular Social Networks and quickly becoming a an interaction hub for great many people I personally know and work with. What have started as a college students network have grown into one of the most useful tools you can have for communication and for locating new people with similar to you interests.But while standalone Facebook portal provides you with plenty options – its interactivity and usefulness factor greatly multiplied through the usage of the Apps provided by other developers. In fact as a blogger you have a superb way to promote your content on Facebook and get yourself additional audience…
In this post I’ll discuss 7 Facebook Apps Every Blogger Must Have.
Application chosen for this post are based on my personal view of their usefulness and my personal usage, so be sure to experiment as nothing should be taken for granted!
Notes is a superb application and one of the absolutely MUST have if you write to a blog or two
And here is the reason why:
- It allows you to basically subscribe to your own RSS Feed and will automatically import it to your profile each time a new post was made!
- Every time a new post imported as Note – all your friends will get a notification that a new status update is made on your profile – increase your branding!
See image below:
Blog Networks
Blog Networks application allows you to claim your own blog and have it appear within the main Blog Networks interface. But how and where you will appear directly depends on your popularity!
More people subscribe to your blog – more popular it is seen and higher position you can get. Subscribing to blogs is very simple and it ads them to your profile. See image below and if you like my blog - Subscribe To My Blog!
Blogvote is a very simple application that does one thing – allows people to vote on blogs. Obviously your blog popularity will be determined by the score and probably number of votes. I can’s say for 100% because as you can see in image below – number of votes on my blog is pathetically small. So – do vote, good or bad, either way appreciated!
Twitter application is great in one perspective – it ties very popular micro-blog network that is currently all the rage and allows you to post status update directly from Twitter. Basically – every time you make an update in Twitter – it will be imported as your new status in Facebook and also gives you an opportunity to post directly from Facebook to the Twitter.
See images below:
Friend Feed
Friend Feed is a swiss army knife of the the aggregation. Once you have setup your profile under the Friend Feed service properly – you can aggregate your actions and content from multiple sources into one location. And facebook app allows you t import all of that into your Facebook Profile!
Better yet, it allows you to see all the actions of your friends! In one single location, as long as they took the time to configure their profile. This is an app that will become the future of social interaction!
Talk about visibility! See image below:
Ping.fm application allows you to do actions such as status update from Ping.fm application. This one is a MUST for every WordPress blogger and I have already explained why and how in my post on social influence and will not be repeating myself.
All I can add here is that by not using this service you are loosing out!
And last but by no means least is StumbleUpon app. Every action you take via Stumble Upon bar is posted to your Facebook profile and shared with your friends! As you can see below – many of my own friends using this tool and falling behind is simply not an option.
StumbleUpon has a potential of generating to your blog massive amounts of traffic when you don’t abuse the system and Facebook app simplifies the process! Feel free to become my friend by clicking the image below:
As I have stated in the beginning of this post – it is not mean to be an All Inclusive list of the Facebook Applications but rather those that help you as a blogger to get traffic and recognition and have proven to work for me – in one way or another.
And that reason is what makes them in my opinion 7 Facebook Apps Every Blogger Must Have
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